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Why career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors?

Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020


career counselling career guidance

46 Answers

Durga Yadav | M.Sc/B.Ed./PGDEM/C5...

7th of December 2020 | 1 Likes


I consider career counsellors role to that of a Doctor .Like what a qualified doctor does is to talk to u patiently,understand your pain points ,probes further on the short term and long term implications of all that the patient has to say and based on all that either recommends a test for diagnosis followed by a remedy or otherwise offer a suitable remedy rightaway.

An expert career counsellor acts like a doctor ....she understands your core values /skills /interest /aptitude .....your choice or selection of a preferred career path ....analyses the possibilities ,implications,and last but not the least suggests you alternatives,or mentors you to tread that path of your choice.

Remember ,career is not something "one size firs all".Each individual is unique and should be guided in a unique ,customused way to acheive their career goals.

Hence consulting an expert career counsellor can save a lot of time and frustration in later years of life.

Hope that helps!!!

Durga yadav 

Certified career counsellor cum career coach 

Shivangi Saxena

12th of March 2021 | 0 Likes


A career counsellor or analyst is somebody whose career is to create right career paths.So he/ she is the one who keeps themselves updated with different fields and options to get into it.Career counselling should always be done by an expert career counsellor as they will keep every aspect in mind while determining your career path rather than just telling you to do what most of the people around are doing.Indian mentality is that when you have an elder( Grand father/ uncles) at home why do you need to pay for a wise advice,So,to be clear and crisp our elders and uncles etc either they are professors,teachers,retired personnel's etc.must be well versed in there fields of work but they are not aware of all the fields and careers that have come up or where already there in demand but because nobody knew had low supply of candidates to join them.They only know what there relatives or close friend kids are doing.

Career counselors help the students understand the various career paths that they can opt for, and how they can pursue them. Career counselors help them understand their own strengths and weaknesses with regard to their present course or profession, and let s them know what career they would be suited for. 

Career counselors use aptitude and achievement assessments, to help clients evaluate their interests, skills and abilities.yhry evaluate client s background, education and training to help them develop realistic goals. 

Career counselor develop therapeutic relationships with their cliets,aiding the clients the comfort and confidence to share their dilemmas and problems. Career counselors help the clients define realistic goals and frame a path that sets them in the journey to achieve them.

Career counselors also create for the clients, room for self-exploration. They also understand the job market which they use to guide their clients to the best result yielding path for them. Career counselors help the clients to turn their life themes into career goals. 

One Theory Counseling | B.E. ( Bachelor of Engine...

29th of April 2020 | 0 Likes


Career counselors are many in India because everybody love to counsel in India.

Many people who cousel  have many motives. But the export counsellors are rare commodity.

You should go to expert counsellors, counselor because

  1. They will try to find out the best in you.
  2. They will help you to link your strengths with the opportunity around you.
  3. They will offer you at least career plans. Plan a and plan b.
  4. It means that they offer contigency plants also. 

anandhi baskaren

3rd of April 2020 | 1 Likes


Career counselling is a step towards a exordinary success. Once career counselling is done candidate  will actually know about themseleves clearly.. Inner mind starts working in the right direction. 


So before taking a big decisions for their life.. I strongly recommend everyone should take .

Anandhi baskaren 

